
This year, I will be attending Youmacon!! I’m excited!! I was able to experience it one year and it was fascinating and mind blowing.
Youmacon is Detroit’s largest anime convention. It will be held from October 30th until the 2nd of November and I will be buying a weekend pass. I’m excited that its going to be even bigger this year.

So I’ve decided that I was going to cosplay…

And I have my fears already. I’ve never cosplayed before. I’ve only dreamt about cosplaying. Brina and I have been trying to plan like crazy so we are all set for the 31st…

While looking up characters, I really wanted someone that was pretty easy to start with. I was going to be Sailor Moon but.. that went out the window

There will be so many Sailor Moon’s there…

So I chose: Super Sonico



She was simple. She is cute..
But as I kept looking her up and watching the anime, something became very apparent to me..

She is a sex symbol. Even in the anime.

As I was watching the anime, which I have to say was pretty…boring, she is really adorable with a shy personality. She is a model…
But she is a sex symbol…

I’m kinda worried about it.
I don’t know how to pull off the subtle undertones of a sex symbol with being shy and “modest”

I’m nervous but I’m going to try it. Brina is encouraging me and I hope that all my friends like it.

Here Are A Few Pictures:




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This year, I will be attending Youmacon!! I’m excited!! I was able to experience it one year and it was fascinating and mind blowing.
Youmacon is Detroit’s largest anime convention. It will be held from October 30th until the 2nd of November and I will be buying a weekend pass. I’m excited that its going to be even bigger this year.

So I’ve decided that I was going to cosplay…

And I have my fears already. I’ve never cosplayed before. I’ve only dreamt about cosplaying. Brina and I have been trying to plan like crazy so we are all set for the 31st…

While looking up characters, I really wanted someone that was pretty easy to start with. I was going to be Sailor Moon but.. that went out the window

There will be so many Sailor Moon’s there…

So I chose: Super Sonico



She was simple. She is cute..
But as I kept looking her up and watching the anime, something became very apparent to me..

She is a sex symbol. Even in the anime.

As I was watching the anime, which I have to say was pretty…boring, she is really adorable with a shy personality. She is a model…
But she is a sex symbol…

I’m kinda worried about it.
I don’t know how to pull off the subtle undertones of a sex symbol with being shy and “modest”

I’m nervous but I’m going to try it. Brina is encouraging me and I hope that all my friends like it.

Here Are A Few Pictures:




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Sailor Moon Crystal #3

Hey Guys!!!


Did you catch the new episode of Sailor Moon Crystal?!?

I Hope So. This episode is were you finally get some more of the plot. Where you’re closer to finding out what the “Legendary Sailor Crystal” may be and that their mission is to find the princess even though we are still getting new sailors.

But this episode finally introduced Sailor Mars

With only three episodes in, this has to be my favorite episode. It showed Usagi’s more serious side when it came to Rei and her insecurities. Rei is a beautiful character. She’s still has that scary-serious look about her that I fwlt as a child. But watching it as an adult, its exciting to look at it.

Her transformation was amazing! The 3D effects worked beautifully for Sailor Mars. It still looks awkward onlu because of the body proportions but that’s okay.

Tuxedo Mask. Lol
What can I say??
He’s still a dreamy heartthrob after all these years. The moments Sailor Moon and him share are adorbale. The bus scene was too cute. Lol

He did figure out she was Sailor Moon, finally!! Along with Luna talking.

I’m glad we finally we introduced to.the four Dark Kindgdom Kings and what Queen Beryl looks like. I’m excited for episode four. In the preview, there eas a box which I’m assuming is the “Legendary Silver Crystal”

This episode has to be favorite so far. I had nothing to complain about.

Did You Enjoy This Episode?
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Sailor Moon Crystal #2

Heyyy Guys!!!

Who caught episode number two of Sailor Moon Crystal??

I was very excited for this episode because I wanted Sailor Mercury to shine. She usually gets put in the background and everyone thinks she isn’t a strong character unless she is showinf off her powers.

They made her really sweet and extra loveable. Sailor Mercury is just so adorable and ambitious.

I like how Tuxedo Mask is showing up all the time. Its enjoyable to see the connection between him and Sailor Moom when he shows up during the fight scene…

Welcome to the picture Queen Beryl!!!
Nice into into who she is…

And I may point out that the “monsters” or evil villians on the old sailor moon was a whole lot creepier than in the Crystal…

Anywho, I love the whole episode. Especially Sailor Mercury’s transformation. (I know people are not going to agree with me) But her transformation in my opinion is kinda better than Sailor Moon’s. And why do I believe it….

Sailor Moon’s transformation is so overly done with all the 3D stuff it still slightly bothers me. Mercury’s showed the water.. it was all eye catching…

Not saying Sailor Moon’s transformation is bad… Just still not what I expected when they decided to reboot the show…

What did you think of the second episode??

**Here Are A Couple Of Pictures Of Sailor Mercury**



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